Pukka appointed Principles as strategic shopper agency at a pivotal moment for the tea brand, during its transition into the Lipton group, alongside the likes of PG Tips.
The challenge
With strong distribution across retailers large and small, our challenge was to explore and develop new approaches to increase visibility in-store, to encourage trade-up, aid purchase through need-state and flavour cues, as well as strengthening premium perceptions.
The approach
The Pukka brand is built on a long-established mission to nurture healthier, happier lives through powerful organic plants. This means that in everything they do, they aim to help more people discover the power their teas have to support health and wellbeing.
For us, this meant capturing the multi-sensory, immersive Pukka experience which is worlds away from mere sustenance. We wanted to bring both the health benefits and intense experience to life in-store.
We took a step back from shelf to explore creative messaging and innovative methods for both permanent and temporary shopper communications which capture the real power of Pukka.
The Result